Brayden is a seriously lucky little boy, and if he’s ever awarded his wings, then you can say you saw where his love of aircraft started. But before we get to their awesome day with jets, let’s back up to Friday.
As you may remember from this year’s Mother’s Day post, Brayden’s daycare puts on parties to recognize parent holidays. For Father’s Day, they hosted an ice cream social outside, and Brian and Brayden indulged in some chocolate-y goodness. B looks incredibly happy about his sweet treat, and I think it was brave of Brian to wear a white tee shirt around Brayden and chocolate ice cream.
This kicked off their Father-Son weekend, and soon they were joined by Brian’s dad and Brayden’s grandpa, Dick. Dick has been involved with the National Championship Air Races for years and years, and every June is pilot training for the big event held in September. It’s a rare treat to be able to see, touch and experience these awesome jets and planes up close, and Brayden is a lucky little boy.
Brian, Brayden and Dick spent all day on Saturday exploring the planes and helping out with the training. There are so many pictures to share that I’ll imbed a few here and include the rest in an album below for you to enjoy.
Here’s my favorite:
The red plane is a T-6 owned by a family friend. In the pictures below, the white jet is an L-39 and the blue one is an L-29, also owned by friends.
Brayden is a pretty fearless little kid, and I’m 100% confident he would have gotten into this L-29 and tried to operate it if given the chance.
After all the planes had been touched and inspected, Grandpa Jewell and Brayden came back from the field and into the pits area and back to his truck where Brayden continued his hands on training.
A big day for a little boy! It reminded me of when we all traveled to Sacramento in November of 2010 shortly after Brayden was born to visit Dick and sit Brayden in his airplane there.
For Father’s Day, Brayden got his daddy some golf gloves and a gift certificate for other golf-y things at his favorite shop though I’m sure Brian will tell you the biggest gift was just spending this great weekend with Brayden.
I hope you are spending the day with or reaching out to the important men who shaped your life or remembering the ones who are no longer with us.
Happy Father’s Day!
What very special pictures. Grandma Karen